Purified water: types

Purified water: types

4 de August de 2024

Purified water is water that has been treated to remove contaminants. Contaminants can be solid, liquid or gaseous, and may originate from natural or artificial sources.

Purified water is classified based on its purity and the methods used for its purification. The most common types of purified water include:

  • Distilled water: Distilled water is produced by boiling water and then condensing the vapor. This process removes most contaminants, including minerals, heavy metals, and microorganisms, making it ideal for sterile environments..
  • Deionized water: Deionized water is produced by passing water through an ion exchange process. This process removes ions, which are charged particles that can cause contamination.
  • Ultrapure water: Ultrapure water is produced through a filtration and purification process that removes all contaminants. This type of water is most suitable for critical applications, such as pharmaceutical preparation.

Distilled purified water

Distilled water is the most common type of purified water. It is produced by boiling water and then condensing the vapor. This process removes most contaminants, including minerals, heavy metals, and microorganisms.

Distilled water is used for a variety of applications, including:

  • Laboratories: Distilled water is used in laboratories for preparing solutions, diluting reagents, and cleaning equipment, as it offers several benefits.
  • Industry: Distilled water is used in industry for manufacturing electronics, medications, and other products.
  • Home use: Distilled water is used at home for preparing beverages, cleaning surfaces, and cooking.

Deionized purified water

Deionized water is a type of purified water produced by passing water through an ion exchange process. This process removes ions, which are charged particles that can cause contamination.

Deionized water is used for a variety of applications, including::

  • Laboratories: Deionized water is used in laboratories to prepare solutions, dilute reagents, and clean equipment, making it essential for the clinical sector.
  • Industry: Deionized water is used in the industry for manufacturing electronics, medications, and other products.
  • Home use: Deionized water is used at home for preparing beverages, cleaning surfaces, and cooking.

Ultrapure water

Ultrapure water is the purest type of purified water. It is produced through a filtration and purification process that removes all contaminants.

Ultrapure water is used for a variety of critical applications, including:

  • Medicine: Ultrapure water is used in medicine to prepare medications, clean equipment, and sterilize surfaces.
  • Research: Ultrapure water is used in scientific research for preparing solutions, diluting reagents, and cleaning equipment, making it ideal for this sector.
  • Electronics: Ultrapure water is used in electronics for manufacturing chips and other electronic components.

The different types of purified water cater to various needs. The type of purified water required depends on the specific application. It’s important to highlight that detailed information about each use and application is vital to determine the appropriate type of purified water.