

Resin-based separation, purification, and extraction

Purolite is the global leader in purification, separation, and extraction technologies based on resins, supplying a wide range of applications and industries including drinking and groundwater, food and beverages, nuclear power generators, and hydrometallurgical operations.

Its dedicated Scientific & Healthcare division is the leading manufacturer of resin technologies used in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and medical sectors.

Most used resins:

  • Purolite C100E: Strong acid cation exchange resin, polystyrene gel type, particle size 300 to 1200 microns, supplied in Sodium form (Na+). Used for domestic and industrial water softening and potable water treatment.
  • Purolite C100: Strong acid cation exchange resin, polystyrene gel type, particle size 300 to 1200 microns, supplied in Sodium form (Na+). Used for demineralization and water softening processes.

  • Purolite A400: Strong base anion exchange resin type I, polystyrene gel type, particle size 300 to 1200 microns, supplied in Chloride form (Cl-). Used for water demineralization and silica removal.

  • Purolite PPC100: Strong acid cation exchange resin, polystyrene gel type, particle size 650 ± 50 microns (Puropack grade), supplied in Sodium form (Na+). Used for demineralization and water softening processes.

  • Purolite PFA400MB: Strong base anion exchange resin type I, polystyrene gel type, particle size 570 ± 50 microns (Purofine grade), supplied in Chloride form (Cl-). Used for water demineralization and silica removal.

  • Purolite A300: Strong base anion exchange resin type 2, polystyrene gel type, particle size 300 to 1200 microns, supplied in Chloride form (Cl-). Used for water demineralization with longer operating cycles compared to type 1 anion resins.

These resins find application in various processes Purolite:

  • Optimization of demineralization and softening systems – high-performance resins – SST Technology: Purolite SSTC60 cationic resin, which softens water and removes iron at concentrations up to 10 ppm Fe without resin contamination. Eliminates the need for zeolite carbon filter for metal removal;

  • Reverse Osmosis Pretreatment: Purolite SSTC60 + Purolite MPR1000 – resins together remove water hardness, colloids (particles causing blockages), reduce TOC by 50-60%, and SDI (scaling index) by up to 70%. Also allows removal of sulfates, phosphates, and nitrates, preventing microorganism proliferation in RO (biofilm formation);

  • Removal of Organics in General: Purolite TANEX – eliminates harmful organic matter in demineralization and other water systems.

  • Condensate polishing: supergel type resins – Purolite SGC650H and Purolite SGA550MB –supergel resins for mixed bed polishing. Allows condensate treatment in mixed bed or only cationic bed (removal of metals such as iron and copper).

  • Fluoride removal systems selective fluoride removal with Purolite S930EPLUS and Purolite SSTC60 resins.

  • Nitrate removal systems –nitrate removal with Purolite A520E resin;

  • Hexavalent Chromium Removal –for potabilization with Purolite S106 or Purolite A600E/9149 resins;

  • Boron Removal – selective boron removal with Purolite S108 resin;

  • Arsenic removal selective arsenic removal with Purolite FerrIXTMA33E resin or arsenic V removal with Purolite PFA300E resin;

  • Mercury removal – a. Purolite MTS9200 (non-regenerable); b. Purolite MTS9240 (regenerable);

  • Equivalent metal removal: Purolite S9320

  • Low molecular weight metal removal: Purolite MTS9400

For more information, click here: www.purolite.com

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